Do you have this rocker bassinet? Regulators say to stop using it now.

Published 10:05 pm Saturday, September 30, 2023

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning consumers to immediately stop using 5in1 Rocker Bassinets because they pose suffocation, strangulation, and fall hazards to infants.

The bassinets fail to meet the safety requirements of CPSC’s Infant Sleep Products Rule. The products do not conform to the safety requirements for bassinets and lack required markings, labeling, and instructions. The bassinets and their packaging also lack a tracking label containing certain information, such as the date of manufacture, required for children’s products including durable infant or toddler products.

The importer, Rev Grace Import Inc., of Pleasant Hill, Missouri, is not cooperating with the CPSC on the recall of this product and not offering a remedy to consumers.

The bassinets were sold online at and other websites. The bassinets were sold in green and gray color schemes and advertised and listed as a 5in1 Rocker Bassinet on the product packaging. The markings “Ya.Ya.Ya, 5IN1UPC Code 09331849600139, 01 Rock Sleeper, 02 Dream Centre, 03 Cozy Seat, 04 Travel Bassinet, 05 Rock & Play, Made in China, and Age 1-36 months” also appear on the packaging.

CPSC urges consumers to immediately stop using the bassinets, disassemble them and dispose of them. Although the Infant Sleep Products Rule applies to products manufactured after June 23, 2022, CPSC urges firms to stop sale of non-compliant infant sleep products regardless of the date of manufacture. Report any incidents involving product injuries or defects to CPSC at

Parents and caregivers are reminded:

The best place for an infant to sleep is on a firm, flat surface in a crib, bassinet or play yard.

Use a fitted sheet only and never add blankets, pillows, padded crib bumpers, or other items to an infant’s sleeping environment.

Infants should always be placed to sleep on their back. Infants who fall asleep in an inclined or upright position should be moved to a safe sleep environment with a firm, flat surface such as a crib, bassinet or play yard.