Alabama city approves sweeping no-smoking zone around schools, health facilities
Published 2:47 pm Monday, October 21, 2019
An Alabama city council has approved an ordinance prohibiting smoking in a 100-block zone around schools and health facilities.
Al.Com reports Birmingham City Council unanimously approved the rule last week. It’ll go into effect on Dec. 1.
The ordinance says the no-smoking zone will be called the “health district” and will cover the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Children’s Hospital and Veteran’s Administration Medical Center.
The council banned smoking in most places in 2012 and gave violators a fine.
Council President Valerie Abbott says she’s worried about enforcing the ordinance but Health Officer and CEO of the Jefferson County Department of Health Mark Wilson says a few “gentle reminders” will be enough.
The ordinance doesn’t include vaping; Wilson says he hopes the council will amend the ordinance in the future.